Our Projects

Our Projects

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Nemo Island

It is considered one of the most important solar energy projects for Eco Solutions in particular and in Egypt in general because it is considered the first solar power plant in Egypt that works to feed the loads of a marine island instead of using generators that harm the environment and a good step for the tourism sector in Egypt to switch to renewable energy to save the pristine environment of the islands in the Red Sea, which is considered within the nature reserves

Fishing Runner Yacht

Solar system that feed the loads of tourist yachts instead of using generators that harm the environment and cost in the maintenance process due to frequent malfunctions

Magawish Island

Magawish Island is the second island in the Red Sea and Egypt works with solar energy instead of using diesel generators to preserve nature on the island


One of the most important stations that were installed in the city of Ras Ghareb for Ras Ghareb Wind Energy Company 

villa in Magawish

This is a distinctive project for the Ministry of Municipalities and Agriculture Affairs. The design was a combination of heritage and modern technology on par with international commercial complexes

The rural resort in Hurghada

It is considered one of the projects of great importance for Eco Solutions to operate the loads of a resort in a location away from the electricity grid, and we operate all loads throughout the day

Senator Yacht

Senator is the tourist yacht that contains the largest amount of solar panels and the station generates enough energy to operate all the yacht's loads

Desalination in Shalatin

It is a desalination system in Shalatin in the Jebel Iqat area in one of the gold mines of EGM


A charity plant in Beni Suef Governorate to operate a desalination system

El-Salam hospital

Water desalination system for Al-Salam Hospital in Hurghada

Waterpumping system at Qena

One of the largest pumping projects that we have implemented in Upper Egypt in Qena Governorate